Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

2006 is on its last leg...

Here's to wishing you all a safe and happy 2007!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Greetings from Cali!

I'm back in Cali now for the break. I'm really excited to be here and am going to take advantage of all things California while I'm here (in-n-out, good mexican food, warmer weather, the sun, etc.)

I have to say that this round of finals was much different than last round. Mostly because Fall A finals were all in class exams, and Fall B had only one in-class exam (finance). Take home exams are a bit of a monster - mostly because I don't have that much of an attention span so it's hard to focus. It took me FOREVER to read that BORING marketing case. I can tell they gave us something boring to test our ability to make marketing decisions using that framework instead of just BS'ing on the ipod or something that we're familiar with.

MAP projects came out - so I'm going to look through them this break and figure out how i'm going to rank them. The projects look pretty cool, so we'll see...

Other than that, I'm now looking forward to a couple of weeks with nothing major to do. Life is good.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fall Classes are Over

Holy crap. Now to finish up my take home exams. Ugh.

PS - it's warm and RAINING! Strange.

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It's crunch time

Ever get the feeling that you’re supposed to be someplace else? I keep checking my Outlook calendar, going through e-mails, etc., just waiting to find something. I’m sure if it were important, someone would have called me. They did when I double-booked a couple of things recently. Actually, since it’s 11:15, I’m now wondering what I missed or what I was supposed to go to. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.

What happened to Fall B? I’ve got finals due next week. Aah! I swear, things just fly around here – I blink and the term is gone! Time to get cracking! This term has been busier, but have also felt like I’m more “in my groove”, and a bit more connected to Ross so that’s been a lot of fun. I don’t feel like I’ve just moved to Ann Arbor anymore. I’m still pretty swamped and I’m still learning how to work in different situations – and I’m trying to figure out the best way to work in my many groups. I’ve done a lot of group/team work before b-school but somehow the groups seem a bit different now.

We had our first “real” snow on Monday, so I had my first experience driving in snow that actually stuck. That was an experience – driving in snow is a lot like driving in heavy fog and these messed up streets aren’t too much fun when you can’t really see the dividing lines. Plus, I think I sort of skidded a little when I made a tight right turn. Oops! Note to self: get better tires.

Oh, and there’s the obligatory post-BCS bowl special comment. I am honestly not surprised – and I also didn’t really want a rematch. I had a feeling after the Michigan/Ohio State game that this is what the BCS would say. I do think it sucks that Michigan was basically penalized for being in the same conference as Ohio State and ending our season 2 weeks ago. Oh well. I’m not so sure how Florida will do against Ohio State. If Ohio State crushes Florida, then maybe the Big-10 (and especially Michigan) will get more respect.

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Friday, December 01, 2006

I think we dodged a weather bullet

I don't know why the news kept saying things like "the storm is coming". Yes it rained. We had very few scattered snow showers. It's REALLY cold outside. We didn't lose power. People were able to fly out of DTW. And the storm seems to be moving east. thank god. I'm also glad football season is over. Who wants to stand for 4 hours in freezing weather?

We did get STRONG winds. I mean, at some point, i was seriously scared that my windows would break. It was super scary, and you really heard a whistling sound. I wonder if that's what tornado or a minor tropical storm force winds feel like.

This crappy weather makes me want to stay indoors. If I were at home, I'd probably either curl up in a cafe with a good book or curl up on my couch with a good book and coffee/hot chocolate. I guess I can curl up with MO/marketing/finance reading. Somehow it's not quite the same. On a good note, my laundry is done!