Monday, May 07, 2007

School's what?

The end of MAP (which meant the end of first year) was very "anti-climactic". We started off the year with balloons, get togethers, etc. We then go through the intensity of learning a new town, making friends, getting used to being a student again, recruiting, etc. After that slows down, we get this major MAP kickoff, complete with student speakers, the dean, balloons, etc. MAP was intense, then all of a sudden the presentations were done, the report was turned in -- and that was it. It just was done. I'm not sure what i would have liked to have (and I'm also not sure what our willingness to sit through a meeting would be), but it seemed like there wasn't any time for the first years to get together (either via sections or as a whole) to reflect on this experience, or just to have one last "horrah" before embarking for the summer. I don't count that last Scorekeepers happy hour - people were just generally tired from either staying up all night to finish the paper or being in a M-Trek/CPR training all day. To be fair, I think part of that was because MAP was due Thursday (the 26th) at 3, and MBA2 graduation was that Friday.

School's been done for about a week and a's very strange. Kind of sad, actually. Internship doesn't start for another couple of weeks and I haven't moved to my new place yet. People in the "real world" have jobs so during the day I've been trying to keep myself occupied by doing stuff for my extracurriculars. While it's been great to get a good night's sleep and catch up on TV shows (not to mention the Dallas/Golden State basketball series - I BELIEVE!), I'm kind of looking forward to starting my internship. I'm not good at having nothing major to do for any long period of time. I'll get used to it. I'm just a bit bored. (And poor - I'm really looking forward to a paycheck!)

Although I'm really excited for my internship to start, I'm also a bit nervous. These are normal jitters with starting anything new, but i've got a new set of questions. What if I don't like marketing? What if I get lost (in my third state in less than a year)? What if I don't do well? What if I don't like that city? What if my old work clothes don't fit me? (Yeah, things may be a bit "snug" - beer and pizza have sorta caught up to me this winter.) I'll be fine once it starts but I'm in a mood -- the combination of being away from friends, being bored, and being nervous have made me a bit sad.

On a more pleasant note, things are working together for the summer. I've got transportation taken care of, housing, utilities, etc. I'm still waiting to hear about my specific project (as are a lot of other people), but I'm getting more excited

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Blogger Rico's Mom said...

Time?! What ever do you do with that? :-) Sometimes when I have too mcuh time on my hands I drive myself insane. Enjoy the break and take advantage of the time! You know how quickly that will all be gone! Good luck at the internship! Thanks for the congrats ;-)

5/07/2007 12:19 PM  

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