Friday, December 01, 2006

I think we dodged a weather bullet

I don't know why the news kept saying things like "the storm is coming". Yes it rained. We had very few scattered snow showers. It's REALLY cold outside. We didn't lose power. People were able to fly out of DTW. And the storm seems to be moving east. thank god. I'm also glad football season is over. Who wants to stand for 4 hours in freezing weather?

We did get STRONG winds. I mean, at some point, i was seriously scared that my windows would break. It was super scary, and you really heard a whistling sound. I wonder if that's what tornado or a minor tropical storm force winds feel like.

This crappy weather makes me want to stay indoors. If I were at home, I'd probably either curl up in a cafe with a good book or curl up on my couch with a good book and coffee/hot chocolate. I guess I can curl up with MO/marketing/finance reading. Somehow it's not quite the same. On a good note, my laundry is done!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be extremely thankful that we didn't get what Chicago received. We dodged a HUGE bullet. And, as I write this, the sun is shining. It is bitter cold, but dry, to say the least. Keep up the good work!!!

12/02/2006 2:11 PM  
Blogger MBABlogger said...

Scary :) in India we dont experience anything like that often.. first time exp wuld be really scary i am sure !

12/03/2006 8:49 PM  
Blogger brownoski said...

doood, Michigan got shafted out of the nat'l championship game. I did watch the UCLA/USC game....

12/04/2006 12:58 AM  
Blogger fromcali said...

Anon - Oh, trust me, I realize we dodged a HUGE bullet! I was so glad my first snow-driving experience wasn't in that kind of crap that the places slightly to our west had.

mbablogger - the wind was scary! but i was safe and sound at home, so it was fine.

12/06/2006 11:41 PM  

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