Saturday, September 02, 2006

Quick Update

People keep calling/e-mailing me asking for an update, so I'm providing a quick one. I'll write more detail either later tonight or tomorrow, but things have been so hectic (and I've been so tired and/or hungover - MBA's love to party like undergrads) that I've been bad about keeping in touch this past week. Plus the time zone thing is annoying. I'm sorry!

Anyway, RLP (orientation) was from last Thursday (8/24) - this past Thursday (8/31). I'm actually kind of glad it's over. It started off slowly but the events definitely got better as time progressed. Thursday was community service day (and my favorite day), and the different sections went to various sites in Detroit (some in other parts of Michigan) and basically did some sort of beautification project. Most of it involved cleaning up, pulling weeds, one section demolished a crack house...It was good, except that my allergies started acting up big time. Each section then came up with cheers that they used to taunt other sections and promote themselves. Some were clever, a lot were variatons of rap songs, and some were just plain bad. My favorite was the Executive MBA's chant of "We have jobs, we have cash!"

Other than that, I've decided to bite the bullet and just go to IKEA. I went for "cheap IKEA" so I still didn't spend a ton of money, but now I have to put together a ton of crap. That'll take up a big part of this weekend.

Classes start Tuesday, and I've already got reading due! Huh?

I'm off to tailgating! I'm not sure I'll make it to the actual game (who knew Vanderbilt had a football team?), but "the bus" and tailgating should be fun in itself!

More later!


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