Sunday, July 02, 2006

Packing Sucks

Warning: I'm about to start whining.

That's all. I REALLY hate packing. How is it possible for me to have acquired so much crap if I live in such a small apartment? I've moved before, but usually it's across town. This time, I have to decide what stays and what goes. I was originally going to get rid of everything, but there are some things I just can't part with. Like the sweet martini glass I got from my friend as one of my bridesmaid presents (there's an Appletini story behind that).

So, I'm a mini-pack rat. I'm going to try and limit the amount of stuff I ship across the country. Really I am.

B-school resolution: I will not acquire crap, I will be good and only purchase (or acquire) things I need. If I don't see myself using it, I will get rid of it.

Now let's check in 2 years to see if that still holds true. Ha ha.


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