Can we move the beach to Ann Arbor?
One of the things I wanted to do was to get some pictures of the Pacific before I left. People do travel from all over to see the ocean, but it is something I have taken for granted. Plus, I don't like Northern California beaches so I don't get around to going very often. It's strange how the knowledge that you are leaving all of a sudden makes you want to hurry up and go see things. I know this isn't the last chance I'll ever get to see these things, but I guess I want little reminders of "home".

I was out of town this past weekend and took these pictures. We went on a little "hike" at Torrey Pines and I took these pictures from the trail. Views like these made me realize exactly why people come from all over to see California. Friends kept saying "you know, you'll really miss this when you're freezing in Ann Arbor". Which is true, however I also miss scenery like this when it's pouring rain during the California "winter" and I don't want to go outside.

After the hike, I felt like walking barefoot on the beach. I really had a lot of fun playing in the sand and acting like a total tourist. In a way, it kind of was, since it has been a long time since I have actually been to the beach. The beach was really soothing and I realize that I like being near water. In fact, Chicago is one of my absolute favorite cities. And one thing I liked the most about Chicago was the fact that Lake Michigan reminded me of the beach.

I'm not sure if I am going to return to California after business school, but I do know that I can't be in a landlocked state. I don't need an ocean, but a bay, really big lake, river, etc. I just need the ability to drive less than two hours to someplace where I can sit, relax, and read. Or, I can just live near really pretty water and use my MBA to market and distribute postcards. :)

While out of town, I also saw the movie 'The Devil Wears Prada'. I remember reading it a couple of years ago and thinking that it was just a funny book. But after MBA preparations (and two more years at the workplace), I'm seeing this in an entirely different light. I wonder if this is the fashion version of that book "Monkey Business". There are SO many lessons that I can easily see from that movie (believe it or not) but I'll save that for a later post. It did make me wonder if this is the way that a job "a million MBA's would kill for" would work out.
I've also spent a lot of time watching soccer. I'm not even going to get into that whole Zidane head-butt thing, but it is sad that his career ended on a red card. Unfortunately, that will always be associated with him. It also shows what can happen to a team when their leader is absent (and by this I mean physically absent).

I was out of town this past weekend and took these pictures. We went on a little "hike" at Torrey Pines and I took these pictures from the trail. Views like these made me realize exactly why people come from all over to see California. Friends kept saying "you know, you'll really miss this when you're freezing in Ann Arbor". Which is true, however I also miss scenery like this when it's pouring rain during the California "winter" and I don't want to go outside.

After the hike, I felt like walking barefoot on the beach. I really had a lot of fun playing in the sand and acting like a total tourist. In a way, it kind of was, since it has been a long time since I have actually been to the beach. The beach was really soothing and I realize that I like being near water. In fact, Chicago is one of my absolute favorite cities. And one thing I liked the most about Chicago was the fact that Lake Michigan reminded me of the beach.

I'm not sure if I am going to return to California after business school, but I do know that I can't be in a landlocked state. I don't need an ocean, but a bay, really big lake, river, etc. I just need the ability to drive less than two hours to someplace where I can sit, relax, and read. Or, I can just live near really pretty water and use my MBA to market and distribute postcards. :)

While out of town, I also saw the movie 'The Devil Wears Prada'. I remember reading it a couple of years ago and thinking that it was just a funny book. But after MBA preparations (and two more years at the workplace), I'm seeing this in an entirely different light. I wonder if this is the fashion version of that book "Monkey Business". There are SO many lessons that I can easily see from that movie (believe it or not) but I'll save that for a later post. It did make me wonder if this is the way that a job "a million MBA's would kill for" would work out.
I've also spent a lot of time watching soccer. I'm not even going to get into that whole Zidane head-butt thing, but it is sad that his career ended on a red card. Unfortunately, that will always be associated with him. It also shows what can happen to a team when their leader is absent (and by this I mean physically absent).
yup water is something us Cali people can't live without. And yes it sucks for Zidane :-(
Nice pix...
beautiful pics, I might just stay here forever!
Just wanted to say good luck. I grew up in San Diego, graduated from Santa Barbara and have lived here for the past 10 yrs in treetown (that's one of the many things we call Ann Arbor...7 square miles surrounded by reality is another).
Yes, I miss the ocean too but did you know World Book Encyclopedia states that Michigan's shoreline, at 3,288 miles is "more than any other state except Alaska." Enjoy your first ballgame -- Go Blue!
I could NEVER live in a place far from water. I think you have the right idea about the internship company...pretty much everyone that works here LOVES it, as do I.
All - see, Californians can totally understand where I'm coming from. :)
Anon - thanks for visiting and the good wishes. :) I'll have to check out the 3288 miles of shoreline sometime. I'll post pictures so we can compare.
Luckily there is a doorman in my building who can sign for my packages and keep them for me if they get there ahead of myself.
Thanks for the info, I am going to check out UPS ground as ell as USPS :)
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