Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First Week of Class

Just finished day 2 of classes. Like many semester business schools, Michigan divides the fall semester into two half-semesters, known as Fall A and Fall B. I'm in Fall A right now, and since I didn't waive out of anything, I'm taking Financial Accounting, Managerial Economics, Corporate Strategy, and Stats. And even though it's only the end of day 2, I can already sense a massive difference between my classes and undergrad.

First, umm, undergrad classes were only an hour - not 2 hours, 20 minutes. Granted, the 2+ hour classes don't seem to last 2 hours. Classes seem much more interactive - we have name cards, the professors actually ask if we're understanding their material, and encourage discussion - even in stats/accounting! The professors seem REALLY accessible, and definitely committed to students. Plus, they seem to really enjoy being here. Yes, this is probably a given for many MBA programs, but it's new to me. I can tell right now that my favorite class is going to strategy. I just really enjoyed the reading and discussion that followed.

There's quite a bit of section bonding going on. Our "shout-off" is tomorrow, and of course we're going to win. :) Then the MBA games are on Friday. I'm especially looking forward to the MBA games since I get to play sports I was somewhat good at when I was 10. :) I hope it doesn't rain though. I'm so over this "sudden rainstorms in the afternoon" thing. Especially when it was beautiful just a few hours prior to this. I mean, it's hard to find something to wear when you have to dress for several meterological phenomena in a single day.

I'm starting to understand that MBA student life comparison to "drinking from a firehose". Between the club events I'm trying to decide on, career events coming up, and pesky little class/homework, I'm not sure when I'll actually get to sleep. Hmm...


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