Friday, February 02, 2007

Deep Freeze

OK, this is just nuts. I clearly spoke too soon on my last post. You know it's cold when...

* the news uses the words "deep freeze", and "dangerous cold"
* perishable items left in the car overnight aren't spoiled, and water bottles freeze in the car.
* just going outside hurts any skin not covered with some form of clothing. Thank god for winter gear.

Yes, we're getting a "deep freeze" that will bring "bitter cold" to the area - and the worst is coming this weekend. We're also expecting some really nasty wind chills. I mean, the HIGH for Sunday is supposed to be 6 freaking degrees. This is seriously making me reconsider where i want to be post-MBA. I used to think I'd be cool with living in Chicago (I love that city), but my thin California blood can't handle this crap. This is the coldest weather I've had to deal with.

Here's the temp for the next few days:
Saturday - High 16/Low 3
Sunday - High 6/Low -1
Monday - High 10/Low 0
Tuesday - High 12/Low 5
Wednesday - High 17/Low 5
Thursday - High 22/Low 13 - Yeah, a heatwave!

And now:
Current Temperature: 5 degrees.
Current Windchill Factor: -10

Why did I move to this state again?

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