Thursday, January 25, 2007


We've had a pretty mild winter thus far. The massive snow storms that terrified me before I moved out here haven't happened yet. Fortunately for us, they've been a bit west (Chicago had a bad one before Winter Break, Denver's airport kept closing). I've been pretty proud of myself for adapting to the cold thus far. I didn't even think it was that cold when it was in the mid 20's.

But lately - I don't know what it is...maybe it's the single digit wind chill (what the hell does 0 feel like anyway?), or the almost constant cloudiness (so you can't even pretend it's warm), but I've hardly wanted to go outside lately unless I absolutely have to. I park as close to store entrances as possible, just so I don't have to be outside for any longer than necessary. Yes, I know I voluntarily moved to Michigan, but I can still whine about cold weather. It's my god-given right as a Californian!

We got our MAP assignments yesterday. I didn't get one of my top ones, but it's a cool project so I can get excited about that. I'm also officially done with recruiting. I am super excited about where I'll be working this summer. I'm still not going to say where I'm going, but life is good.

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Blogger Marina said...

Congrats on being done! I am definitely jealous. The offer I have is not from the same place, I actually have to interview all over again to go back. I have 5 interviews next week. AHHHHH!

and yeah...i think i am one of those weird ppl who is into ops

1/26/2007 12:53 PM  
Blogger brownoski said...

feel free to complain about the cold weather all day, I totally agree with you

1/29/2007 10:20 PM  

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